(new pix updated 12/3)
Prior to the start of the rally, we spent five nights in San Diego at the Southwestern Yacht Club (fabulous facility), with many errands to West Marine (numerous times), Target, groceries, Trader Joes, Costco, Home Depot, fish tackle shop, etc. etc. One of our dock neighbors from Brisbane, Bill Caughran flew down to crew with us (he left Voyager in Cabo to do some overland travel).

The Baja Haha (www.baja-haha.com) started on 10/25 with approximately 155 boats (out of ~193 entries). Two of our sister Catalina C470s did not start, but five out of seven is not bad! We probably have the most boats of any one type in the rally this year.
It is always exciting to transit the San Diego harbor, there was a submarine entering and another leaving the harbor as our 150-some boats were transiting, also a large warship came in through our fleet and on the radio it sounded like the captain did not listen to the coast guard advisory that morning about (our) unusual traffic in the area!