Remember those essays you had to write in school? Here’s What We Did This Summer (while in the Bay Area).
Cleared out lots of old, useless equipment (not even the schools want it). We found a recycler that would pick up our large stack of obsolete electronics gear. Apple 2E anyone? Dot matrix printers? Photo film processors? Dead video projector?
Collected a van full of unneeded art supplies and architectural materials (former photo props and sets) to donate to S.C.R.A.P. – a non-profit creative reuse center, materials depot, and workshop space in San Francisco. Treasures for some local art classes for sure!

Painted some eaves on the building and applied new sealer to the roof. Cleaned up the encampment of a frolicking family of racoons who have been partying on our roof. Emptied about 27 file drawers/bankers boxes of studio files, filling many trash bins. Sent black and white film (processed) to recyclers, will result in a few dollars for silver recovered, and a cleaner landfill.
Built an underwater photography website for a client. Found a few things to sell on E-Bay. Provided some marketing consulting for another client. Caught up with some friends we haven’t seen in a while. Bought some boat parts.