Costalegre (The Happy Coast)
Our friend Phil traveled with us from Nuevo Vallarta as far as Barra de Navidad. We spent six days in transit. Our first stop was the anchorage at Ipala south of Cabo Corientes. We did not go ashore to the small village there as the anchorage was rather rolly.
We continued on to Bahia Chamela, spending two nights there. We had a great cocktail/snack party with Craig and Sue aboard fellow Ha-Ha boat Sea Silk with lots of scuba diving stories being shared. We launched the dingy and toured Isla Cocinas which has quite a few pelican nests, the “babies” at that point were adult-sized but almost white in color.
One day Bill got out the hookah rig (air compressor) and he and Phil spent a good three hours cleaning extensive growth (barnacles and plant life) off of Voyager’s bottom (especially verdant after our 40 days staying in P.V. marinas). We were also hoping to snorkel here but the water temp (low 70s) and visibility were not conducive to a fun adventure so we substituted barbecuing and sunset-watching instead.

Our final stop on this run to Barra was Bahia Tenacatita, another very relaxing spot surrounded by beautiful white beaches (as are many of the anchorages we’ve visited).