Once again we spent Thanksgiving in La Paz and joined in on the Club Cruceros celebration. Folks who volunteer to help with the event get to be first in line for the meal, so naturally Bill and Julie pitched in by joining the turkey washing and stuffing party at 7 am in the large kitchen of a local B&B, Casa Buena.

This (9th?) annual event is an outdoor pot-luck dinner for about 250 cruisers and is held at Marina Palmira (where we have been staying). The marina provides tables, chairs, and tenting (bright sunny day, temps in upper 70s). Boaters come from all over town to attend, from the other marinas and even some folks who have “swallowed the anchor” and now live ashore join in.

Cruisers bring a dish to share (coordinated by category of salad, starch, or dessert) and the club provides the turkeys (25) and gravy. Cruisers also pay 40 pesos (about $3.20) a couple or 50 pesos a family to attend and it is BYOB and flatware.