Just before making the passage from the Southern Baja peninsula to Mazatlan we returned to the anchorage at Los Muertos. What continues to amaze us is the quantity and quality of oceanfront homes here even in what seem to be very remote areas. We are curious to know what the percent of ownership is – American vs. Mexican, vs. other nationalities. This location is a good place to make a crossing to Mazatlan as it is one of the shortest distances across the south end of the Sea of Cortes.

Our transit took about 28.5 hours (timed to arrive in daylight) and we covered 187 miles. Most of our passagemaking has been pretty monotonous so far – this is good because it means we are having no problems with weather or the boat. We spend the time reading, listening to music, watching for birds/dolphins/whales. We also have a “hand line” that we tow behind the boat in hopes of snagging a nice fish but so far our catches have been limited to a couple of tiny tuna cousins.
We have been using our new Sirius radio receiver quite a bit and on this trip we listened to a 49ers game (they won!) which helped make the time go by. At night it is a little challenging to stay awake at times, we found one of the comedy channels on Sirius to be helpful – a series of short stories to pay attention to and hopefully maintain alertness.