We completed the Baja Haha rally in Cabo San Lucas on 11/4! (latitude 22 – compared to latitude 38 in San Francisco)
Overall, the whole trip was pretty smooth. We’ve been in rougher seas previous to this trip (this means it was not exactly pleasant but very bearable, and we actually got quite smooth water on the third and final leg). We had no major equipment failures, no injuries, only minor mal de mer (I highly recommend ginger capsules and those acupressure wrist bands), one cheap wine glass broken, two cheap juice glasses (plus a rope clutch and a couple dinghy straps) while bouncing in some rough seas. Our fellow (four other) Catalina C470s fared quite well also; they had some miscellaneous equipment “issues” but nothing to stop them from some fun.
We made our first “adjustment” to our itinerary and decided to tie up at a dock for a few nights at Cabo San Lucas (at 3x what we normally pay for a guest dock in San Francisco) because the anchorage along the beach has been rough during a few days of non-typical wind direction. (It is usually our preference to anchor out.) It’s a huge marina with many, many sport-fish and there is a big tournament going on. They gave out $180K (yes K) in prize money on Thursday (not the last day of the tourney). There are probably 500 slips in the marina and just on our dock with about 12 other yachts (mostly sport fish powerboats), there was probably $15M worth of boats (we’re the cheap one!).
Numerous night clubs and restaurants ring the marina and are loud ‘til probably 4 am, and then the fishing boats start firing up their engines around 5:30. It’s not a peaceful place by any means.
We took best advantage of the marina by using their WIFI, laundry (while writing this blog post and prepping some photos), on-shore showers, we gave Voyager a thorough boat washing topsides and vacuuming down below, and getting a bit of shopping done (Costco run, fresh produce, Pepsi, bread). These projects are easier done from a dock than hauling things back and forth on our dinghy.