During summers in the upper Sea of Cortez (in part while hiding out from potential hurricanes/tropical storms further south of 27 degrees latitude), there are a series of cruiser gatherings. We joined in on the first one at the La Mona lagoon in Bahia de Los Angeles. About 15 boats were in attendance, plus a few shoreside residents joined in.

The rock formations in and around this little lagoon are fantastic. There are many varied colors and the appearance changes as the sun moves through the sky from morning to night.
This party was actually two. First an afternoon float-athon in the lagoon. At high tide this little estuary “pool” of water fills in to an average of two feet in depth, then as the tide goes out the “pool” starts to drain giving you a nice leisurely few-minute ride as the water flows out of the lagoon. Exit the bay, walk across a slim finger of sand and hop back into the water to float out again and again. Cold adult beverages were also part of the celebration.
Near sunset, we re-convened at the beach for a potluck, bonfire, moonrise watching, and later a passby above by the International Space Station.