Another favorite anchorage in B.L.A. was Don Juan, an almost fully enclosed bay. It occasionally is used as a “hurricane hole” as it’s quite protected from wind and waves. It’s roughly pear shape (perhaps 1×2 miles in size) with the entrance would be at the “stem” end. There’s one small area of the bay called the “window,” a margin of land only a few feet above the water level at low tide, which lets some breeze in to keep the air a bit cooler.

Lots of sea mammals in the area. Several times we went out in our dinghy so dolphins could play chase with us (they seem to love it). Also plenty of pelicans, terns, blue footed boobies, seagulls, cormorants, and other sea birds. Various stingrays like to jump/fly out of the water (don’t know why) and they make a great belly-flopping, slapping sound when they land. Coyotes howled on the beaches some nights, we even saw a few roaming along the shoreline during the day.

A few times we were the only boat in this anchorage, so we of course had to try out some clothing-optional swims (sorry, no photos available)! At most there were 3-4 other boats around us, with ample room for at least 12-15 boats to anchor. Some days it was just us and our “sister” boat Firefly.

We basically moved the boat around every few days between La Mona, Don Juan and the village for the better part of a month. While at anchor we were swimming, reading, playing in the dinghy (we bought a towable floatie when we were last in La Paz), just generally goofing off. If other boats were around us we’d frequently do a pot luck or happy hour late in the day. We have lots of movies and TV shows on hard drives so when it is cooler down inside the boat we would vegetate in front of the tube.